The Coffee World

Coffee is presently the second most widely consumed hot beverage in the world after tea. 50% of all coffee harvested today in the world is already organic. However, only 10% is certified organic, which requires full traceability. This is in fact, Professor Gavidia’s passion, working to help tens of thousands of farmers to achieve traceability. Coffee is one of the fastest growing commodity markets in the world, with 10 billion kg sold yearly and a consistent growth of over 10% annually. However, the demand for organic coffee has been increasing even more rapidly, averaging 13% yearly, including in 2019. The Challenge and Solution 98% of coffee consumed around the world may put people at risk of nerve damage and/or developing cancer because of most commonly being drum roasted with hot air heated by petroleum by-products that release a potential carcinogen into the coffee called acrylamide. According to a lead article in Business from March 30, 2018 entitled, ”Here’s How Worried You Should Be,” Starbucks (serving 4 billion cups of coffee annually) and other retailers were required in 2017 by California law to warn every customer of a risk for cancer associated with acrylamide.

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Coffee is the name of our company & our primary brand, abbreviated MbG. We distribute the finest organic coffee in the world, infrared roasted to perfection. Our infrared roasters provide chemical free & sustainable roasting to our coffee beans, whereas up to 95% of global coffee roasting is in air heated by petroleum byproducts creating inside each of their beans a neurotoxic chemical called ‘acrylamide’ and wasting millions of gallons of drinking water removing the sticky residue. Founders Rory Kaye & Professor Jorge Gavidia have designed & are patenting these infrared roasters. Jorge Gavidia has the new technology in the rain forest of the Indians in Peru. Made by God is being registered as a limited company in association with IAM, The International Artists & Media Trust, within its GPT / Global Processing Technologies division. Made by God’s positive cashflow is meant to primarily be used for charitable purposes.

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